Saturday, February 27, 2010

GNO meets Jay-Z one frame at a time

Call me Miley Cyrus... we had a GNO!!!!! Girls Night Out that is.  We had so much fun catching up with many wonderful ladies and oh the laughs. My innards are still aching from the laughing. A huge thank you to Cheryl and Amye for hosting a fabulous home show for Paperwhite Designs and She's Crafty.  Toni who is the "crafty she" behind She's Crafty is so talented and it was a pleasure to be able to share a home show with a true artist!!!

Cheryl and Jane (love the belt buckle)

Sweet Amye trying to choose...She decided and got the award for most purchased...8 frames later:)

This was our first home show and it was such a success for us. So many wonderful woman gave us great feedback on our frames which made us feel like our little idea could lead us to a successful business. Just call us JayZ.... just building an Empire one frame at a time:) Cooper even scored a frame.

Many of our babies left us last night. 21 total...Man that makes us sound like we are The Duggars. Every frame we make becomes our baby. We are personally attached to them all but we have no problem kicking them out of the nest into another home where they can be loved. No free loaders here. 

Here are some of our babies that flew the coop...

and finally we have this little love...she just about caused blood shed with the fighting over who she was going home with....

If you are interested in hosting a home show, email us and we can set a date! We can promise you many cute frames and lots of laughs... were are a sure thing when it comes to laughs:) 

Kim and Michelle


  1. Well done my friend!!! Do i see blogger awards for your future???

  2. My favorite part of the blog is that we are the only ones who comment:)
